Picture of two wind turbines in a cold climate

Final Conference

IceWind Final Conference
Hosted by Vestas Wind Systems
3rd December 2014

When: 3rd December 09:00-19:00

The meeting will be hosted by Vestas and held at Hedeager 42, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.


Map of the area 

 Where to stay:

Suggested hotels in Aarhus:

1. Hotel La Tour (http://latour.dk/).
This is not a fancy one, but is affordable and within walking distance, 1.8km from the venue.

2. Radisson BLU Aarhus (http://www.radissonblu.com/hotel-aarhus).
Most of visitors to Vestas stay here. In the city centre; 29min by bus.  


How to register to the final conference:
Send an email to Diana Kiler deki@dtu.dk with your name, institution, e-mail and country as soon as possible, but no later than 25 November. Finally confirm your participation in the lunch and reception after the conference and indicate whether you have special dietary preferences.
Remember to book your hotel.


I hope to see you in Aarhus
Niels-Erik Clausen




The Agenda:




Final Programme


09:00 Welcome to Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Line Gulstad, Vestas Wind Systems

09:15 Icewind project & overview of the day, Niels‐Erik Clausen, DTU Wind Energy

09:30 Keynote: Experiences and challenges with wind farms in cold climate, Göran Ronsten, WindREN

10:10 Icewind Inter‐comparison of icing production loss models, Neil Davis, DTU Wind Energy

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Icing atlas of Iceland, Halfdan Agustsson, Icelandic Met Office, Reykjavik

11:20 Design and operation of wind farms in cold climate‐challenges for the manufacturer, Brian Daugbjerg Nielsen and Ole
Hangaard, Vestas Wind Systems A/S

11:40 Impact of ice in large wind farms, Stefan Ivanell, Uppsala University Gotland

12:00 Lunch courtesy of Vestas Wind Systems

13:00 Icing production loss module for wind power forecasting system, Timo Karlsson, VTT

13:20 Wind atlas of Iceland, Nikolai Nawri, Icelandic Met Office, Reykjavik

13:40 Wind in the Sea around Iceland, Charlotte Hasager, DTU Wind Energy & Nikolai Nawri, Icelandic Met Office, Reykjavik

14:00 Does skill of wind power forecasts depend on the spatial resolution of NWP models? John Bjørnar Bremnes, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo

14:20 Integration of wind energy in Iceland, Gunnar Petursson, University of Iceland

14:40 Coffee break

15:10 Nordic wind power variability and forecast errors and impact on balancing needs, Hannele Holttinen, VTT, Finland

15:30 Challenges and opportunities for Offshore DC grids in the Baltic Sea, Nicolaos Cutululis, DTU Wind Energy

15:50 O&M planning for offshore wind farms, Haaken Annfelt Moe, Oceaneering, Norway

16:10 Nordic Flagship call on Energy Research, Niels‐Erik Clausen, DTU Wind Energy

16:30 Discussion of project ideas in plenum

17:00 ‐ Reception and further discussion of project ideas